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Weight- 167grams

Rutilated Quartz has a high vibration and aligns all the chakras. It promotes spiritual growth and attunes one to their Divine Purpose. It is very programmable and can be used to magnify the energy of any

intention or affirmation. It accelerates the manifestation process and enhances intuition, psychic opening, and consciousness expansion. It allows one to release fear and anxiety related to childhood memories.

Element: Storm

Chakras: All

Garden Quartz is a stone that has long been favored by shamans as it helps one connect to their spirit and animal guides with ease. It allows one to gently release emotional issues from this lifetime as well as past

lives. It brings repressed emotions to the surface to allow for healing and

transformation. It is recommended for anyone who experienced early

childhood traumas that are causing them to hold fear, anxiety, and stress.

Element: Fire

Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Rutile Garden Quartz Freeform


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